Chiropractor Allentown PA
Kirshner Health Solutions & Valley Weight Loss Center
Welcome to Kirshner Health Solutions & Valley Weight Loss Center in Allentown PA. Our Allentown PA chiropractor commonly sees patients who have acute or chronic health conditions. While standard medical care focuses on covering up symptoms, our approach has always been to start where you are and then move toward your health goal. We use many different tools, but the tools are only good if they address your condition! Our approach is different because you are different.
If you have been told there is nothing that can be done for your pain, you need to see us! If you have been told to just wait until the pain gets bad enough and then they will do surgery, you need to see us! If you have tried medication management, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and maybe even a previous surgery in the past and you still have pain, you need to see us!

How Can Chiropractic Care Help You?
When you see our testimonials, the one thing that stands out is the the wide range of chronic conditions we have helped with patients in our Allentown office. Neuropathy, headaches, back pain, thyroid problems, brain fog. The reason why we see such successes is underlying all chronic conditions there are only seven categories. Knowing how to detect which category you are in and the exact steps to follow is what sets us apart.
Patient Testimonials
What Kind of Training Does Chiropractor Have?
In order to become a chiropractor, one must complete a minimum of four years at an accredited chiropractic institution. Before being able to attend chiropractic school, it is required to have an undergraduate degree in basic science or a number of years of experience in a different but relevant health profession.
Students working through the program to become chiropractors must log at least 4,200 hours in the classroom and also must, at minimum, undergo 1,000 hours of supervised training in a clinic. These supervised hours are used to teach how to diagnose specific conditions and what care techniques to use in order to bring the body back to its full potential.
Our team at Kirshner Health Solutions & Valley Weight Loss Center is dedicated to helping you reach optimal health and we look forward to meeting with you in order to design a personalized plan that meets your needs.
Problems We Solve