Kirshner Health Solutions & Valley Weight Loss Center Blog

Why Can’t I Eat Anything Without Feeling Sick in Allentown PA?

Why Can’t I Eat Anything Without Feeling Sick in Allentown PA?

Why Can’t I Eat Anything Without Feeling Sick in Allentown PA? One of the most commonly asked questions among IBS, Crohn’s & Colitis patients in Allentown PA is “Why can’t I eat anything without feeling sick?”. Typically when people are intolerant to may foods they will direct their attention to the “what” question. “What can…

Should I Take Probiotics in Allentown PA?

Should I Take Probiotics in Allentown PA?

Should I Take Probiotics in Allentown PA? Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are called “good” microorganisms because they benefit the body, specifically the digestive system. Your gut has more bacteria then total human cells in the body. There are over 500 different strains, or types of bacteria in your gut and each of…

Should I Take Iodine in Allentown PA?

Should I Take Iodine in Allentown PA?

Should I Take Iodine in Allentown PA? This is a question I am frequently asked by thyroid patients in Allentown PA. As with most questions of this nature the answer isn’t a simple yes or no, additional questions need to be addressed. 3 most important questions to ask before taking any supplement in Allentown PA…

The Underlying Cause of Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Allentown PA

The Underlying Cause of Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Allentown PA

The Underlying Cause of Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Allentown PA If you have been dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Allentown PA you know how frustrating it can be. Always plotting out where the next bathroom will be or knowing when “it” will strike, dealing with countless doctors, enduring invasive tests, trying multiple medications…

Why is Vitamin D Important in Allentown PA?

Why is Vitamin D Important in Allentown PA?

Why is Vitamin D Important in Allentown PA? Why is vitamin D important in Allentown PA Hearing the words unrecognized pandemic can elicit fear in the most even tempered person. However; learning that you may have control over your exposure to this so called pandemic should come as some relief. To protect yourself you don’t…

What Can a Chiropractor Help With?

What Can a Chiropractor in Allentown PA Help With?

What Can a Chiropractor in Allentown PA Help With? There are many different types of issues and health conditions that a chiropractor at Kirshner Health Solutions & Valley Weight Loss Center in Allentown PA is able to help with. In many cases, people think that chiropractors are only for back pain, but chiropractic care in…