Top 5 Reasons To Eat a Ketogenic Diet In Allentown PA

Top 5 Reasons To Eat a Ketogenic Diet In Allentown PA

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The Ketogenic Diet in Allentown PA is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. So let’s put down the bread and increase your brain power!

Ketogenic Diet Food List in Allentown PA

Ketogenic Diet Food List - CLICK HERE

The “Keto” in Ketogenic comes from “Ketones,” the small fuel molecules produced when you eat very few carbs and only moderate amounts of proteins.

The goal of a Ketogenic diet is for your body to switch its fuel supply to run entirely on fat.

  1. Losing the Pounds: Transforming your body into a fat-burning machine makes it a weight loss machine. Revving up fat burning puts the breaks on the production of insulin – the fat storing hormone, creating ideal circumstances in which fat loss can occur, without hunger.
  2. Jedi Knight Mental Focus: Ketosis provides a steady flow of fuel (ketones) to the brain, unlike the big energy swings that occur from burning sugar (glycolysis), often resulting in the experience of increased focus and improved concentration.
  3. Let’s get Physical: Ketogenic diets can vastly increase your physical endurance by giving you access to the energy available in your fat stores. When your body primarily burns carbohydrates your fat stores are not easily available and they can’t fuel your brain. Burning sugar makes you hangry (hungry and angry). Burning fat makes you heppy (happy and energetic).
  4. Settle the Stomach: It’s common to experience fewer stomach ailments and complaints on a Ketogenic diet. You may produce less gas, be less nausea, experience less cramping and have fewer bouts of diarrhea. You may even get relief from constant heartburn, allowing you to shelve the antacids.
  5. Less Acne: Many people experience less acne and fewer breakouts. A low glycemic diet, often in combination with the elimination of dairy products and the addition of fruits and vegetables has been shown to reduce acne, decrease body mass index and the risk of type2 diabetes.
    Before making dietary changes be sure to check with your physician or health care provider.


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Kirshner Health Solutions & Valley Weight Loss Center

1605 N Cedar Crest Blvd Suite 502
Allentown, PA 18104
P: (610) 435-1777
F: (610) 435-7701