Headaches in Allentown PA

Who hasn’t had a headache in Allentown PA? Who hasn’t had a headache that has sent you running to a pharmacy to find out which pill to pop now to get rid of the headache that is making you want to crawl into a hole? Who hasn’t taken some magic pill for today’s headache only to have it return again next week? It’s a crazy cycle that occurs all too often in today’s “Medicate It Today, Hope It Goes Away” society.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to find and treat the underlying cause of your headaches than continuing to put a band aid on your brain?
Struggling with headaches in Allentown PA?
By not treating the cause of your headaches you create two dangerous scenarios:
- The cause of your headaches will get worse.
- The well documented side effects of medications will create other serious health conditions like liver, kidney, vascular or brain damage. A new classification of headache is now recognized and attributed to overuse of common headache remedies. The Medication Overuse Headache, or MOH is a serious, disabling and well-characterized disorder, which represents a worldwide problem and is now considered the third-most prevalent type of headache. As someone who practices functional neurology and functional medicine, and someone who has successfully treated many patients who had suffered from chronic headaches, it is clear that the majority of primary headache sufferers have either a neurologic imbalance, a metabolic imbalance, a structural imbalance or a combination of all three.
Symptoms of Neurologic Imbalances
- Muscle tension
- Balance Disorders
- Shortness of breath
- Tingling sensations
Symptoms of Metabolic Imbalances:
- Inflammation
- Food sensitivities
- Anemia
- Thyroid conditions
- Over or underactive adrenal function
- Dysfunctional liver
Symptoms of Structural Imbalances
- Head Tilt
- Shoulder tilt
- Hip imbalance
By turning the “Medicate It Today, Hope It Goes Away” mentality to “What Is The Underlying Cause and How Can It Be Fixed?” mentality you are empowering yourself to live a healthy, pain free life. Granted this is more involved than popping a pill, but in the long run which is actually costing you more?
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:30am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Kirshner Health Solutions & Valley Weight Loss Center
1605 N Cedar Crest Blvd Suite 502
Allentown, PA 18104
P: (610) 435-1777
F: (610) 435-7701